Thematic Real Estate Investing for Risk-Adjusted Returns

At Obelisk, our mission is to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns for investors by identifying and capitalizing on long-term real estate themes through a data-driven and geographically diverse investing approach.

Investment Philosophy

Thematic Approach

We believe traditional real estate categories are becoming less distinguishable. Instead, we focus on identifying and investing in properties aligned with major societal and economic trends that are driving demand.

Examples include population migration and further urbanization, leading to the rise of mixed-use spaces that blend the lines between retail, residential, and commercial. Additionally, we believe the e-commerce boom and automation trends are changing the future of work and living which will influence warehousing and logistics.

Risk-Adjusted Returns

We prioritize outsized risk-adjusted returns for each investment opportunity while actively mitigating exposure through accretive structuring in order to provide asymmetric risk.

The intent is to maintain a broad and balanced portfolio that aligns our investors’ interests through macroeconomic cycles to produce consistent returns.

Target Assets & Markets

We focus primarily on housing and industrial opportunities in areas with strong demographic fundamentals that will support a consistent demand for housing and industrial facilities that are well-located and easily accessed by multiple transportation modes. Target markets include: